is there a purpose in life?

Large groups have been trying to get to know their selves, they have been searching for some kind of answer to a question that is way too large for an “answer”. The definition of an answer states that it is the reaction to a question. I would like to know my answer before this question is finished, because reacting would mean we would wait on our lives to finish before knowing what we are supposed to do. We need to understand what we can do with our lives without knowing for sure how it will go.

What we need
If I would want to know something I would first think of what I can change. Let us listen to Michael Jackson for a moment and say that we would look at the handsome man in the mirror first. This is the only person that we can directly change. This would mean that we NEED to be able to trust the mirror man. Our future self needs to listen to the self of the now, for otherwise we could never plan our lives out. And we would never be able to make long term decisions. But guess what, our future self does not exist, the only thing you can actually directly change is the person in the mirror at this exact moment. Which is now over.

Let us say our future self does exactly what we say he needs to do. Now we still do not know our paths. We need to be able to make a choice about where our paths go, we need to take our pencil, grab a map and point out where we want to go. We need to set an intention and actually take steps towards it. Now we have made a path for ourselves. But we still do not know whether this is the right path or not, this is my daily struggle.

The concept of time
Through my short life I have changed my goals over a thousand times (at least ten times more than my age). Logic would state that the paths I have chosen were wrong, yet they have not led me back to the beginning. That never happens. This is because of the concept of time, it forces us forwards through time (for as far as I know). Time never lets me be at the exact same place. There is always some change. If any path is right, the paths that led you to that path have been right as well. In some way I have never strayed from it, even when I did nothing, even when I slept. I do not know what the truth about life is (yet), I am also one of life`s students. But I like the idea that our paths are right, no matter what happens. It gives me energy to go chase my current goals, whether they are right or not.

How large changes are made

Your intention indirectly affects what you do. But a lot of us underestimate it, it seems easy to change your intent and it is. But that is only the case with small changes in your intent, which only affect your actions for the smallest part. If you want to change your intents to such an extent that they actually make you like a monster doing everything you want, that does not work. Because you actually have to change yourself and you do not want to be a monster. 
How big changes in this world are made
Changes are made through some sort of power. It might be true knowledge that make the change because everyone must agree with true knowledge, though I have never heard of such a thing for cultures make this impossible. But most changes are made through sheer force of will. The combined strength of people controlled by money, rules or a shared cause is what is constantly making this world twist. Money and rules are set by governments and large companies. Shared causes come from the people. Our power lies in our ability to group up by talking about our values. By gossiping about other people we state that what that guy did is wrong or right. By talking about politics and its faults we make sure the other person knows what we think. The list goes on, but it is unnecessary to state so many examples. The point is that through subtly spreading our values, we share our power towards our causes. And we are secretly plotting about the subjects of our gossip to overrule them and take over the power to change this world to our hand. 

What I do with my intent
I like to make conscious choices about what it is that I want this world to become. This is how I spend most of my philosophy hours. It is important to know what you strive for, because only then can you change this world for the better. Do not mindlessly follow others, do not simply agree on their gossip. Because intent is way too important to be used just to have something in common.

Thank you.

The adventurous world

Modern day society has become a group of people pushing each other to their limits. It is not enough to be good at something, you will need to devote your life to something to be called good at something and then you can earn real money with that thing. If you are a master at some skill, you will become famous, wealthy and honoured for it. But where is the fun? Where is the: following your heart? Where is the, try to learn from every aspect of life, only then can you understand life? And where is the obvious answer to that that: if you know everything you might as well know nothing?

How adventurers make an awesome world
When all earthlings would go back to their roots, we would be skidding around, smelling flowers and looking at rocks for 3 hours because their forms are amazing. We were like this when we were children and we might be well off to go back to that state. When we would be open minded and would be enjoying the world, we would not be having to compensate for our lack of happiness with money. And that would result in us having more time to enjoy the world. When we then find what we actually like to be doing, we would be able to use that thing to make our net worth. Or in other words, our money.

What you should do if you just thought: I cannot stop working otherwise I will starve
If you do not feel comfortable with leaving your current life (which saps away at you because you are not doing what your heart wants to do). Then you should get rid of the reasons why you should stay in your current home. If you say you need money, live without money for a while or find out that you can make a trip around the world while working for food and rent. Step out of it. And another option you can take that is less radical is this one: slowly glide out of the current restrictions. Start by doing weird things like dancing, singing, smiling, saying hello to your neighbour, taking a random walk in your lunch break, hug a friend, say sorry to someone you have hurt, forgive your enemies, meditate, start painting. Whatever you feel like, go ahead and take your freedom.

Thank you.