My own spirit path

Hello internet, my name is DaniĆ«l van der Velden and I am special. I have opened my eyes and know that I do not know. Around 5% of the people I met know that there are so many options for this life that you could not “know” what you “must” do. It is not like I am not doing anything at all, that would mean I would be lazy. I just know that I do not know and this knowledge has given me the ability to go on a spirit path.

Spirit paths
“We are alive, but we do not live”. A lot of us follow this statement by going to work, doing what they think is right because it gives them money and then they go home and do not know what to do so they take up a hobby at maximum. I say that there is much more to be in life. It is to find yourself and get to know the guy. This is more scary than you think because to be in total loneliness you have to turn off all of your devices and learn things about yourself. And learning about yourself is very confronting.

How my own path is going
My path has not even been defined yet, this is because I am very philosophical of nature. I never answer a question, I just accept a thesis. For now I am just walking the path, which is what a lot of working bees do as well. The difference is (again) that I know that I do not know what to do and therefor I have set some goals:
-          I want to become freed from this societies rules and follow my heart
-          I want to think more about who I am and what my place is in this world
-          And I want to inspire others to do this as well
The last thing is what this blog is for. I hope we can figure out how to properly listen to yourself together.

This first post is very vague and I am aware of this. I have stated a few things about myself here which I will explain in further posts. If you have any questions of your own, please help me out by stating them for I am not capable of reading your mind through our computers.

Thank you

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