Spirit paths: what they are

 In my last post I have told you that I was on my spirit path and that this blog is a product of that. I also said that I would explain what it meant, so I will do exactly that. I also want to make another promise: I have a few subjects in mind I want to talk about and I will do that, unless someone offers me a brilliant idea. For now, let us talk about spirit paths and what they are.

Spirit path is a self-invented word. This means that there is no explanation in any dictionary (all the more reason to read this). Spirit path does contain 2 words that can be found in a dictionary, let us look at them:
Spirit: The part of a human associated with the mind, will, and feelings.
Path: A course of action or conduct
These two definitions state that a spirit path is the course of action the human mind is destined to follow.

I will give you the only example I know, the example of my own spirit path. For me it is the thing that enables me to go on through life. As I am aware that I do not know anything, I feel the need to focus my actions on a goal that I do not know. Some people follow the path of faith, I follow the path of my own spirit. I trust my own mind to guide me towards where I am supposed to be.

How we find our own spirit path is not a simple thing. Therefor I will dedicate another post in the near future to this. But for now let me state that you can find your spirit path through being with yourself. This process can take on many forms such as: meditation, dreaming, analysing your actions in multiple circumstances and just doing what feels right. Now that is for later, for now:

Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Let us find our own path and only then help others to. Because only when you know how to walk can you teach another person to.
