philosophical: Knowledge

To know the path we are walking, we need to learn the path we are walking. Learning is the process of acquiring new “knowledge” and it is also the thing you do when you are figuring out where you need to walk next. When we look at the art of knowing what is true and what is not true, we would call it “philosophy” (you can look it up but I thought I would state it here). Now on this blog I will spit some fire on this subject, the reason for this is that the art of knowing helps us with learning about life. Which is where our path lies in. 

The synergy between our path and philosophy
Our path lies in life. We need to know about life to know how our path works and acts. When we know about either the large or the small we know about the other as well, for the same thing enlarged is still the same thing. Now you could see your path as your own life and life in general as a lot of paths intertwined. (think about all of the other souls you have met throughout your life, I will dedicate a post to this).

Now as I have stated we need to learn to consciously walk our spirit path. And when we learn we are supposed to obtain knowledge. But what is knowledge? Let us double loop (another post subject for another time) this blog by learning about knowledge and how it connects with knowing how to learn. Knowledge is what we think we know. And we only think because in philosophy nothing is yet 100% true. There is one sort of knowledge which is fitting with our reality. This sort is: logic, or the thing we have not learned from external subjects but from out of our own mind (soul). Logic is always true and only through various forms of logic can we find our own path, for only through logic can we understand the things that life presents to us and learn from them. 

These things that we call logic might also be instinct, our soul (mind) is more knowing than us. It has lived for longer than us and some even state that our mind is connected to all other minds. This knowing of the soul is called instinct. I say that the best way of finding your path is through following the knowing of the soul.

Thank you

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