Easter: why we should do with it what we want

I think we should practise this rule every day. But this day is special: Easter. This day is meant to celebrate the resurrection of the son of god, but we do it by honouring a giant bunny who gives us chocolate in the form of eggs (how does he get them though. Steal it from the giant chicken?). Well I say that when people celebrate the day the merily band of rabbits steal from the chickens and give to the humans. We should be able to celebrate this day in a way that befits our true spirit path. 

Make the day about you
Now that I have stated that some holidays are just useless, (if you do not agree please argue with me) we can say that we might as well celebrate Easter through chocolate and celebrating the revival of our own soul. Let us say we honour the original Easter meaning and that we would celebrate resurrection. Then we might just say: let us start afresh, I like this feeling a lot. Think about this: you just had a really bad semester and now a new one starts, you have a new notebook and a new pen to write with. Everything feels new and so does a small part of your soul. Now I say we get a new notebook and write down who we want to be, I have done so in my first post as well. 

Let us all celebrate this Easter with chocolate, an eventual huge bunny suit and ourselves. Let us celebrate that we have the choice to let our thoughts be thoughts or make them real when we are ready to. Let us celebrate the opportunity to start anew every day. Let us say fare thee well to our negative thoughts of people that are afflicted by negative thoughts themselves and let us say good dawn to the thoughts that come from our thoughts and other positive persons, who walk their own path with justice and good vibes.
Thank you

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